Ryan B's Blog

The Winter Season

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Like most people my age, I get excited for the holidays and winter break. Sadly, I can’t enjoy the season much due to cedar trees ( Ash Juniper trees, to be specific) spewing their horrible pollen into the air. The pollen makes my eyes swell and itch, my nose congested, and my throat sore. At school, I can barely concentrate during class because of the excruciating pain in my eyes. I take medicine to try and prevent this, but they only help a little and for a short time.
When I get old enough to move out of my parents house I plan to move out of Texas to a neighboring state. Texas is pretty much the only state with ash juniper trees in it, so I won’t be affected by my allergies every winter in other states!

One Comment

  1. I’m sorry you suffer so terribly. You portray that misery very effectively: vivid word choice, specific imagery, expressive voice.

    I guess you have some years to go before you can escape the cedar fever.

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